Always something new happening at Thimbles and Acorns and Keepers Dolly Duds.
To start with, congratulations to Eve on the publication of her first pattern with Simplicity! Last summer Eve was contacted by Simplicity to do design some doll clothes patterns for them, and her first one was published just this spring. For as long as we can remember, both Eve and I have loved perusing the pages of the Simplicity catalogs looking for new projects and fresh ideas… how exciting to see one of her very own projects amidst the pages inspiring others! Next time you are at the fabric store, check it out.
No worries though, Eve is still going to be publishing her own patterns with us here at Thimbles and Acorns. Her latest one, #KDD13 “Reefer Jacket & Hat”, was just released this month. And here is something exciting… you have the opportunity to help her decide which pattern she will be releasing next. Look for your chance to weigh in by following us on Facebook at Keepers Dolly Duds or Thimbles and Acorns.
Thimbles and Acorns patterns are in the process of moving over to PixieFaire.com, so over the next few weeks, you will see more and more of Thimbles and Acorns patterns showing up there as we edit, revise, and reorganize each of our existing patterns. Look for new covers, revised instructions, and more size options in our older patterns. Also, we are going to be revising the multi-size patterns to make them easier to use. At Pixie Faire, you will have the option of purchasing any size individually at $8.99 or you can purchase a special bundle pack that will include the pieces for all the sizes at $10.99. The multi-size pattern pieces will also be separated to make them easier to use and will have a table of contents so you will know just which pages to print for the size you want. Our Etsy shop will remain just as it is, so you can still find all of our patterns and supplies there just as before.
Keep your eyes open for Thimbles and Acorns newest pattern. A simple to make 18th century shortgown made specifically for beginning seamstresses. It will come in five sizes: American Girl, A Girl for
All Time, Gotz, Kids n Cats, Carpatina, and Dress-a-Doll. We expect it to be released by the beginning of June so watch our Facebook and Pinterest pages for “sneak peeks”!

This is all exciting news! Just wondering when the I Made It! section will be completed.
You know, I meant to mention that in this article – and forgot, thanks for the reminder. The “I Made It” section is nearly ready to go, we have just had a lot of family things come up this winter so it keeps getting pushed off. We were hoping to have it ready before the newsletter went out this month, but were hindered once again. I expect it to be up and running before the next newsletter though.
Will the newly revised/edited patterns be available at a discount for those of us that purchased the older versions? I’d like to compare the older vs the newer for any changes to the instructions. Thanks!
I was so thrilled to find Eve’s pattern at Joanne Fabric last weekend! And their half-price remnant bin yielded just the right fabrics for the dress and jacket! My American Girl Addy is looking forward to her new clothes!
As always, if you have already purchased a pattern from me, you can request a free PDF update. Just send me an e-mail with your transaction number sharifuller@gmail.com (now worries, if you have lost your transaction number, however, I can still look it up for you)
I’d love to see patterns sized for the Hearts for Hearts dolls as well!
You know, I have been thinking about them. I have one here and I really like her. She is a bit smaller, so I am not sure if I could resize all the patterns for them, but I am pretty sure I could do some of them. Keep pestering me about it, because that is a sure way to get me motivated ;o)
I would love to see some of Eve Coleman’s dresses like the one from Nellie and Samantha’s pinafore and dress for school in a pattern form. I just wrote to Eve a couple of weeks ago and she said it was not a pattern yet, just something she made to show on flickr photos.
Eve has some wonderful designs… we are working hard to get as many as we can into patterns!