The Latest News… September 2014


The BEST Surprise EVER!


Brian and Eve exulting in their triumph at completely catching me by surprise!


Eve did bring a package… just to keep it honest!

Last Thursday night, my husband asked  me to check my calendar and make sure I was home to receive a very special delivery… I had to be home as I needed to sign for it, and I wasn’t supposed to tell ANYONE because it was a surprise.  Well, little did I know that the surprise wasn’t so  much about the package as it was about the people delivering it!  That Friday morning, I did get a nice package, hand delivered by my dear friend and colleague, Eve Coleman and her husband Brian.  Hahaha… and the joke was on Tom too, because he didn’t know how the package was going to be delivered!  I love how God orchestrates our lives, because He knew how much Eve wanted to surprise me.  She and Brian worked everything out on their end, and He worked out all the rest of the details.  We ended up with a beautiful weekend that was perfect for going to the lake and taking in a little sightseeing,  AND Tom had gotten Monday off of work to spend the day with me.

Brian, Eve, Shari, and Tom at Park Point on Lake Superior.

Brian, Eve, Shari, and Tom at Park Point on Lake Superior.

We ended up having a wonderful time relaxing at the folks lakehouse on Saturday and Sunday, then enjoying a beautiful day sharing our favorite haunts in Duluth and up the Northshore.  Eve and I have become good friends over the last years through our many e-mails and Skype conversations, but finally getting to meet her face to face made our friendship all that much more real!  Thank you Eve and Brian!

New Pattern

Thimbles and Acorns “18th Century Underpinnings” are now Available at Pixie Faire! Just in time to welcome Lydia, this ensemble is just the thing to complete your dolls 18th Century wardrobe… or perhaps you are looking to add a little

Steampunk to your collection?    Currently available to fit 18-inch American Girl, 16-inch A Girl for All Time, and other similarly sized dolls.   Let me know if you are looking to have this fit other sized dolls, as I expect to add more sizes to this and other collections in the near future… but that will depend on your input, so please leave a comment!

New Products for our Etsy Shop

After searching high and low for just the right eyelets for our new Stays Pattern and our Corset pattern, I finally found some that I am very happy with.  These 1/4-inch eyelets are very durable and don’t squash when you try to set them.

When set, the back curls nicely leaving no sharp edges to cut your ties on.  They also grip the fabric firmly so they are less likely to pull out.  Best of all, they come in all sorts of colors!  Currently, we are stocking nickel, brass, antique brass, and pewter!  The listing price is $2.75 for a package of 20… the price includes shipping.

Also, we have a brand new shipment of 1/4-inch Rigilene boning.  New supplier, finer quality, and LOWER price.  5 yards for $4.50… including shipping! More new products are on their way… and Tammilee and I are working on some new product shots to give the shop a facelift!

What to Do with all of our Thimbles and Acorns Cover Outfits?

These outfits are my best work, so I have decided to use them for something very special.  They will be made available very soon, and I will keep you posted with all the details!

Sew Powerful Purse Project Still Going Strong

Sew Powerful Purse project is still going strong!  This is  such a great way to impact a young girls life… to think, something as simple as a purse can make all the difference in a girls education, and ultimately her life.  This is an ongoing project, so purses will always be needed.  However, if you get your purse in before October 1, 2014, you can register to win the opportunity to accompany Cinnamon and Jason Miles on their 2015 Purse Distribution Trip.  What a great experience to be able to see Sew Powerful in actions.

Doing a little fabric shopping with Eve... found some great fabrics for dolls as well as a nice Minnesota inspired fabric for my Sew Powerful purses!

Doing a little fabric shopping with Eve… found some great fabrics for dolls as well as a nice Minnesota inspired fabric for my Sew Powerful purses!

Eve and I spent a little time shopping at a local fabric store where I found a delightful Minnesota inspired fabric designed by the owner of the shop… I am using this fabric in my purses to send a little “Minnesota Nice” to some girls in Africa.

Packing up my purses for the Sew Powerful Purse Project!

Packing up my purses for the Sew Powerful Purse Project!

Coming Soon…  More from Keepers Dolly Duds!


Clemmie modeling the upcoming A Girl for All Time version of Keepers Dolly Duds Designs “Bodice Details”.

We have two patterns on the drawing board for Keepers this month… one is an A Girl for All Time version of  “Bodice Details”.  Doesn’t Clemmie look beautiful in it?  The other is a delightful Regency dress… one that a lot of you have been requesting for some time.

Here is Clemmie sporting the other view from "Bodice Details"... just perfect for her!

Here is Clemmie sporting the other view from “Bodice Details”… just perfect for her!

The pieces are all drawn, so now it is just a matter of sewing up a couple of test pieces, writing the instructions, and drawing the illustrations… let’s see if we can get both of these patterns finished and released by next week.

KDD15 is underway!

KDD15 is underway!

For all my dedicated readers, here is this months “Easter Egg”!  I am just about finished with the sample dress from Eve’s last pattern, “Bodice Details”.  I will plan to finish it by the end of this week, and list it in my Etsy shop for a promotional price of only $20… there is only one, so keep your eyes peeled!

It still needs its buttons and hem, but this  dress will be available for $20 by the end of this week in my Etsy shop sometime this week... keep you eyes peeled!

It still needs its buttons and hem, but this dress will be available for a special promotional price of only $20 my Etsy shop sometime this week… there is only one, so keep you eyes peeled!


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