I love summer vacation, but it always takes me until the Fourth of July to get my bearings. We have enjoyed a busy start here with a very full and busy week working at Vacation Bible school. This year we thought we would try tie dyeing (with 150 kids!) and it was as much fun as it was frenzied. Let’s just say we made some notes on how to streamline the process for next year. I am enjoying a quiet week – if you can call playing catch-up from last week quiet- before we head out for our family vacation to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Lynchburg, Virginia. I have never been to Gettysburg, and I am pretty excited about seeing this place that I have read about since gradeschool. There is just something about visiting historic sites in person that makes history seem so close, so real, and so personal. Do any of you have plans to do some exploring this summer?
Keepers Dolly Duds Designs “Double Cape” Pattern Coming Soon!
The next Keepers pattern is on the drawing board and should be ready to release at the end of this week if my pre-vacation schedule allows it OR soon after the Fourth of July when I get back.
Thimbles and Acorns “18th Century Hunting Frock” Coming Soon!
This pattern is just about ready, and will be released as soon as the pictures come in. Watch for it soon.
Check out our Etsy Shop to See Our New Trims
This delightful red, white, and blue middy braid will be on sale this month for 25% off to celebrate the Fourth of July!
Sewing Kit for Thimbles and Acorns “First Impressions” Pattern now Available!
There are a limited number available, so be sure to get one while you can!

Silk ribbon will be on sale until June 17th! Click Here to view it in our Etsy Shop.
Mary R. and Beth E. who won the random drawings for a silk ribbon pack that includes two yards each of the 1-inch, 3/8-inch, and 1/8-inch ribbon. Be sure to read through this months article to get in on next months giveaway!