The Latest News… December 2017 55


It’s Been Far Too Long, My Friends!

I can’t believe it has been six months since I published my last newsletter – WOW!  For those of you that don’t know, life has taken a bit of a U-turn for us.  In June, we were asked to be the foster family for a family members seven-year-old son.  We’d been talking about doing foster care for some time, so we agreed without hesitation.  Before he could move in, however, we needed to quickly renovate an old storage area so we could make some space for him.  Unlike most of our renovation projects, everything came together splendidly so our new charge was able to move in with us at the end of July.  While we love this delightful young man, it hasn’t been a fairy story.  Like most foster children, he came to us with a lot of emotional baggage.  It has been a challenging time for us as a family.  That being said, God puts challenges in our lives to help us grow and I believe that as much as we are helping him through this difficult time in his life, he is helping us by exposing weak areas in our own lives.  For the time being, things are starting to settle down, so I am enjoying more time back in the studio.  I am working hard to finish up a couple of projects that had to be temporarily put on hold and have begun planning some new projects for next year.


A Long Winter on Dakota Territory

Thimbles and Acorns began over six years ago when I became fascinated with how historical clothing styles reflected historical events.  I had always loved sewing doll clothes, so I began recreating small scale historical clothing to help me get a better understanding of the stories they held.  Earlier this year, I began work on a project I have been mulling over for a few years… a series of pattern books organized around historical themes.  I had planned to have the first book ready to publish this summer, but life happened and the project had to be shelved for a few months.  When I picked the project up again this fall, I decided it would be easier to start by publishing each pattern individually first – to get my feet wet, so to speak. 

I am happy to announce that our “Mary and Laura” pattern is now available in print at! 

Mary and Laura Pattern Book by Thimbles and Acorns Available now at!

Once all the individual pattern books are available, we will publish “A Long Winter in Dakota Territory”, the complete collection of patterns.  Watch for them all over the coming weeks and please be sure to leave a review!

I have a couple of copies of the Mary and Laura book here, let’s do a Christmas giveaway to celebrate publishing my first book!  Leave a comment below to be entered in a random drawing for one of two copies.  Winners will be picked on December 16th, 2017


Freebie Friday January

Can you believe we are celebrating SIX years this year!?  Be sure to mark your calendars, as we will be celebrating a “Revolutionary” anniversary on January 5th, 2018 with another Freebie Friday at Pixie Faire!


Upcoming George Washington Series

18th Century Shirt, by Thimbles and Acorns. Available soon at Pixie Faire!

My boys have been on me for quite some time to make another uniform.  Looking ahead to my next book project, “Revolutionary”, I decided to try my hand at George Washington’s uniform.  This outfit will be broken down into a three part series of patterns.  The first pattern will include the drop-front breeches, waistcoat, and frock coat.  The second pattern will be for the shirt and neck stock.  The shirt will feature inset gussets on the sleeves and fully finished seam allowances … no serger required!  The last pattern will be for a molded felt with a wide brim that can be left flat or folded in several 18th century styles!

George Washington, Commander in Chief, by Thimbles and Acorns. Available soon at Pixie Faire!

Molded felt cockade hat in progress…



… to Annlee for winning the button set from our May 2017 newsletter!


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55 thoughts on “The Latest News… December 2017

  • Rachel Bussan

    I am really looking forward to your book! I love your historical patterns and the information you include with the patterns. Would you consider making some Edwardian patterns? I think that’s one of the few major historical periods you haven’t covered yet.

  • Penny T.

    Congratulation on your first book! Being a big fan of the Little House books, I have thoroughly enjoyed your Mary and Laura pattern. I’m hoping to sew the Carrie dress soon and recently made a point of scooping up the union suit and Long Winter coat during the Black Friday sales. I love the authenticity of your designs.

  • Lesley from NE

    Wow! What a busy time you have had. You have been missed. What a blessing to the young man joining your neat family. =)

  • Victoria Masteller

    I pray your family with the new addition will all grow together in a good way. God is good and will see you all thru this time of growth.
    I enjoy your newsletter and it’s historical information. Like the idea of learning history while sewing for dolls. You Geo Washington uniform pattern looks as detailed and yet understandable to make with all the details.
    I grew up reading Little House on the prairie. This dress turned out very well.

  • Lorine Taylor (Grandma Freckles)

    Very much looking forward to your George Washington series. But please let us know where we can find the buttons. I have made several of your Civil War era dresses & shirts. I think I have all or just about all of your patterns – Love them.

  • Carol Bartlow

    I am so happy to get your update. How courageous to extend your borders. In the large scheme of things, those months will barely be a blip. I am looking forward to your new offerings as usual.

  • Darlene Walther

    Welcome back. Missed your designs. And as usual, you have not disappointed with Mary and Laura. Looking forward to your book if I don’t win one. And congratulations on your 6 year anniversary.

  • Mary H

    Congratulations on your first book! Does this mean that your patterns will no longer be available on Pixie Faire?

  • Janine R

    One of my favorite memories from childhood was discovering the Little House on the Prairie books. And when I grew up-there was the wonderful TV show! Now you have drafted patterns for these dolls and I look forward to the series of patterns. Love them!

  • Sheila M Ryan

    So glad to hear from you again.My you have been busy.Good on you for becoming foster parents.A big challenge but I am sure you will do a wonderful job.I am very excited about your new George Washington patterns.Keep up the good work !! Happy Christmas to you and all your family.
    Sheila Ryan

  • Adrienne Anderson

    Hi Shari, Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your patterns. I have several as I took advantage of the Black Friday sale at Pixie Faire not this year but last. If my comment is picked for the give away I should let you know I live in Canada so I’m not sure if that counts me out. Enjoy your new family member, I’m sure he will enrich your lives as much as you will enrich his. All the best Adrienne

  • Sophie T

    I missed your wonderful newsletters, but I can understand how challenging your new family life can be. With all the love and consistency you are giving him, this young man will have a life that will be changed forever, and for the better!

    I am totally looking forward to your George Washington series of patterns! I want to make outfits for Felicity’s Ben! Your prototypes are amazing!

  • Linda Peterson

    Your patterns are so detailed, love them. My daughter who is 45 has everylittle house TV shows and every one of her books

  • Missy H

    I’m so excited for the new revolutionary patterns and also for your new book. I just love your work, you do a fabulous job!

  • Beth Sherwin

    The Long Winter is an amazing story to learn of all they went through. We have it so easy these days. Glad your book is coming out!

  • Annlee Greyerbiehl

    Thank you again for the button win. I look forward to your book project: Revolutionary and A Long Winter in Dakota Territory. I have enjoyed the stories with all your patterns and the patterns.

  • Marcy Mahle

    I am so happy that you are publishing your newsletter once more. I know you will be a wonderful foster parent while having lots of adventures. What I love most about your patterns is the fact that they are historical. I love anything Colonial America. Colonial Williamsburg is one of my favorite places to visit. So happy that you are doing George Washington outfit. I have your Civil War uniform patterns and I have the fabric kits too. Really looking forward to your book too.

  • Sandra Bambling

    I am looking forward to your ‘Revolutionary’ book mentioned on facebook and your giveaway – just in time for my birthday. Thank you

  • Linda Swinbank

    As a Brit, I don’t know a lot of American history and your projects are a lovely way to learn. Keep up the good work!

  • MoinVa

    Love your patterns for the quality, the history included and can’t wait for the whole series.

    Wishing you all the best is your latest set of challenges.

  • Diane H.

    It is good to have you back! I wish you all good things with your new family member. Congratulations on your new book. I’ll look forward to adding George Washington to my sewing agenda. I appreciate the detail in his outfit. Many thanks for all the sewing inspiration!

  • Judi Wilson

    George is such a wonderful costume. Are you going to do Martha next? Keeping with the Revolutionary theme or maybe Thomas Jefferson? I love the Mary and Laura dresses and also Carrie. I have them all. Have a Merry Christmas.

  • Pamela W

    This is a wonderful colonial look, which is a favorite era as we like to frequent Williamsburg. My husband remarked that it has no epaulettes and we wondered if that could be a pattern add on in the future. Looking forward to seeing this on Pixiefaire.

  • Linda King

    Hi Sharee,
    I am so happy for you and your family to welcome a foster child that no doubt desperately needs a loving family. My son and his partner fostered a little boy 4 yrs old with a lot of emotional baggage also, but they love him dearly and when he was eligible for adoption that excitedly adopted him and he’s now a permanent family member. My grandson Zane will be 8 years old next month and I love him dearly. He still has emotional problems from time to time, which is to be expected but love and faith little by little he’s moving forward.

    Linda King

  • Karen L

    Bravo to you for taking on the care of a precious child – it is our most important work! Happy to see you are back I the studio, too.

  • Lindsay

    Wow! Congratulations in your new book and books to come! Life throws us curve balls, and I glad you are back.

  • Arlette Holstin

    I can’t say enough how cool I think it is that you would put your professional life on hold to help a child. It takes a special heart. Blessings to you and your family.
    I am looking forward to more historical outfits. History is so amazing and having a true to time outfit for the dolls can really help the kiddo’s get into history a bit more 🙂

  • Linda Cowart (Miss Priss Dolls)

    Love the George Washington!! Hope you are going to offer some of those wonderful brass military buttons!! Hint! Hint!! And, Merry Christmas!!

  • Christie Berthold

    I am so glad that you are back with the newsletter. I always love reading them and seeing what is going on in your creative mind and heart.I am amazed at the beauty of both and what you create for us. looking forward to the entire George Washington / Revolutionary series since that is my favorite of all.You really ought to take a trip to Colonial Williamsburg and talk to the milliners and tailors in the Millinery shop. They are fascinating to listen to and they love to talk about their work.
    I pray that all is well with your expanded family and wish God’s blessings on you during this Christmastide.

  • Janet

    I am very excited for the George Washington pattern. It looks amazing! The Laura and Mary outfits are also beautiful. The details on your work blow me away.

  • Amy Gannon

    Little House on the Prairie is a classic! I love that these stories are clean and appropriate for the youngest of boys and girls! I was able to use Little House on the Prairie as part of homeschooling and only wish that I would have had your patterns to make clothing for interactive play for my kids while I read the stories out loud!
    I look forward to future grandchildren benefitting from your patterns, but in the meantime, I get to enjoy them. Thank you!

  • Rebecca Flint

    Love the idea of the historical pattern book. Also love the Little House series. Read them over and over as a girl!

  • Valeri J Vejrostek

    This design would look wonderful on my dolls for my covered wagon set ! Good to see you back …blessings to you all for becoming foster parents !

  • Darlene O'Donnell

    I am so excited about your plans – I know they will all work out. Many blessings on accepting a huge challenge in your lives – what a lucky little boy. I learned that little boys are more sensitive and shy at that age than girls. Steep learning curve for sure. I’ve always said that I may not have much effect on my children, but they shaped and molded me in many ways, and continue to do so. My youngest continues to challenge me on my leftover “old” ideas – the ones that were passed on to me – she teaches me to think the idea through, and invariably, I agree with her. I am glad you have some time in the studio again. Balance is important. I have always loved Mary and Laura – we live north in the same kind of prairie – they were all so brave. I am so glad you are working on this era.

  • Susan Petersen

    Shari, I am so excited about your current projects! I have homeschooled for 21 years. My granddaughter, who came to live with me when she was seven, will graduate in June. I admire you for opening your door to your family member. His time with you will be life changing for all of you.

    As part of the homeschool community, it has been my desire to make historical costumes for the kids to use as they study different historical eras. I’ve already used a few of your patterns and am really looking forward to using these new ones. My daughter, who is homeschooling her five and four-year-olds is using Little House in the Prairie as the backbone of their studies. She has asked for LH costumes for a while. She will be so excited to see your book.

    Thank you for your beautiful patterns and all you put into them. I can’t wait to get started!


  • Elycia Good

    I haven’t seen one of your patterns that I haven’t wanted to own! They are truly one of a kind and beautiful! I would love to win some more patterns!:)

  • Jennifer K.

    I can’t wait for George Washington’s pattern to be released! I love all of your historical patterns.

  • Julie F

    Congratulations on your new book! I love all things Laura Ingalls also. What a wonderful talent you have in creating historical garment patterns for dolls. George Washington is one of my favorite American heroes. We are excited to be visiting the Philadelphia, PA area soon to see many historical landmarks. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

  • Mrs.C.

    What a wonderful and loving family to welcome a child into your home. It’s a daily challenge. You become the hands, the voice and the heart that God uses to help him. Our nephew stayed with us for two years when my bother was killed. I know that trust, patience and love were needed daily and sometimes hourly. God bless you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.