As I begin writing for the first issue of my newsletter, I find myself thinking, if Mrs. Schmidt could only see me now! I used to dread writing assignments in school, even copying “Today’s News” in first grade was more than I could stand. For the most part, I was […]
August 2013

“Tape and paper,” was my standard answer when asked what I’d like for my birthday or Christmas. I’m sure my mother was baffled, but no game or toy was as satisfying to me as the reams and rolls I went through while making things at my little desk. It was […]
Meet Heidi Mittiga, “Flossie Potter Patterns”

My serger and I are currently not on speaking terms… it has been sent to the corner of my sewing table on an extended time-out where it is supposed to be considering the error of its ways. In the meantime, I am without a serger, trying to decide if there […]