Monthly Archives: January 2016

There are very few people in the United States who didn’t grow up reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb or celebrating Thanksgiving, but did you know that we can thank a feisty little woman named Sarah Josepha Hale for them? Impossible circumstances are the forge in which remarkable people are […]
Sarah Josepha Hale

I have often been asked why sewing is so important to me, and I suppose I could sum it up by saying that sewing is how I connect with the world around me. It may seem like a strange answer, but sewing is much more than a simple […]
20 Reasons to Take Up Sewing

Looking Forward to a Whole New Year! Thank you everyone for yet another good year here at Thimbles and Acorns! As we celebrate our fourth year as a pattern publisher, a regular pattern has begun to take root in our year. Winter and Fall is when we spend the most time […]
The Latest News… January 2016

Sarah Hale Dress INTERMEDIATE By Thimbles and Acorns Available in 18-inch and 16-inch doll sizes designed to fit American Girl®, A Girl for All Time®, Little Darlings, and Other Similarly Sized Dolls. This 1830s dress features a crossed pleated bodice that is set in a narrow waistband. Fitted upper sleeves drop gracefully from […]